CBSE Class 11 Biology NCERT Solutions: Chapter 6, Anatomy of Flowering Plants

To get an overall learning of the topics studied in CBSE Class 11 Biology chapter- Anatomy of Flowering Plants, all you need is to practice the NCERT questions and check for their correctness by referring the NCERT solutions provided here.

Gurmeet Kaur
Aug 6, 2018, 17:14 IST
Anatomy of Flowering Plants: NCERT Solutions
Anatomy of Flowering Plants: NCERT Solutions

NCERT books offer a number of problems which students can practice to assess their learning and prepare for the examinations. Practicing a variety of questions helps to strengthen the fundamentals of a topic which makes students efficient in getting right answers to different questions asked in exams based on that particular topic. Therefore, students are suggested to solve all the NCERT questions and learn to write perfect solutions which will help them score good marks in exams.

For all the questions given in CBSE Class 11 Biology NCERT book we have collated detailed and accurate answers that will help students find the right approach to solve different questions.

Here, we are providing the NCERT solutions for Class 11 Biology chapter 6, Anatomy of Flowering Plants. Our subject experts have reviewed these NCERT solutions to provide you the error free content which will make it easy for you to make an effective preparation for the annual exams.

All the class 11 Biology NCERT solutions are available in PDF format which students may easily download free of cost. 

Some of the questions and their solutions from NCERT Solutions for Class 11: Anatomy of Flowering Plants, are as follows:

Q. State the location and function of different types of meristem.

Ans. Meristems are specialised regions of active cells division which help in the growth of a plant.

Depending upon their location in a plant, the meristems are divided into three types.

(i) Apical meristem: It is present at the apices of roots and the shoot of a plant. The shoot apical meristem causes the elongation of the stem and formation of new leaves. The root apical meristem helps in root elongation.

(ii) Intercalary meristem: It is the meristem that occurs between the masses of mature tissues. It occurs in grasses and helps in the regeneration of grasses after they have been grazed by herbivores. Since the intercalary meristem and the apical meristem both appear earlier in a plant’s life and contribute to the formation of the primary plant body, so they constitute the primary meristem.

(iii) Lateral meristem: It occurs in the mature tissues of roots and shoots of many plants, particularly those that produce woody axis. As it appears later in a plant’s life, so it is termed as the secondary meristem. For examples: Fascicular cambium, interfascicular cambium, and cork cambium.

CBSE Class 11 Biology Syllabus 2018 - 2019

Q. Cork cambium forms tissues that form the cork. Do you agree with this statement? Explain.

Ans. Yes, Cork cambium forms the tissues that form the cork. When secondary growth occurs in the dicot stem and root, the epidermal layer gets broken. Cork cambium develops from the cortical region to replace the broken epidermal layer of stem so as to replace the outer epidermal cells and protect the stem and root from infections. Cork cambium cuts off cells toward both sides. The outer cells get differentiated into the cork or phellem, on the other hand the inner cells give rise to the secondary cortex or phelloderm. The cork is impervious to water, hence provides protection to underlying tissues.

Q. Cut a transverse section of young stem of a plant from your school garden and observe it under the microscope. How would you ascertain whether it is a monocot stem or dicot stem? Give reasons.

Ans. The monocot stem is characterized by the presence of a large number of scattered vascular bundles, each surrounded by a sclerenchymatous bundle sheath. Vascular bundles are conjoint and closed. The phloem parenchyma is absent, and water-containing cavities are present within the vascular bundles. Xylem vessels are arranged in Y- shaped manner.

On the other hand, the dicot stem is characterised by the presence of conjoint, collateral, and open vascular bundles. The vascular bundles are arranged in the form of a ring. The ground tissue is differentiated into the cortex, endodermis, pericycle, and pith. Xylem vessels are arranged in rows. Medullary rays are present between the vascular bundles.

Get the complete the NCERT solutions for Class 11: Anatomy of Flowering Plants, from the following link:

Students may download the NCERT solutions for Class 11 Biology chapter- Anatomy of Flowering Plants, in the form of PDF. 


Class 11 Biology NCERT Chapter: Anatomy of Flowering Plants

In case, you are not clear with any particular topic or concept while solving the NCERT questions give in chapter- Anatomy of Flowering Plants, just take a thorough reading of the chapter given in NCERT book. NCERT books are considered to be the best source to get a clear understanding of the concepts explained in a subject. It is better suggested that before you start solving the NCERT questions, get acquainted with the various topics and concepts explained in that chapter. Here, we are providing the CBSE Class 11 Biology NCERT chapter- Anatomy of Flowering Plants. Students should read this chapter to grasp all the concepts as this will help you understand the problem discussed in a question and then come with an appropriate answer.

Main topics discussed in Class 11 Biology chapter: Anatomy of Flowering Plants are:

  • Tissues

                      Meristematic tissues

                      Permanent tissues

  • The tissue system

                       Epidermal tissue system

                       The ground tissue system

                        The vascular tissue system

  • Anatomy of dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous plants

                         Dicotyledonous root

                         Monocotyledonous root

                         Dicotyledonous stem

                         Monocotyledonous stem

                         Dorsiventral (dicotyledonous) leaf

                         Isobilateral (monocotyledonous) leaf

  • Secondary growth

                         Vascular cambium

                         Cork cambium

                         Secondary growth in roots. 

 Find below the link to download the complete Chapter:

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