To help students get the right solutions for all the questions given in CBSE Class 11 Biology NCERT book, we have collated detailed and accurate answers here at Explained by the subject matter experts, all these solutions will help students learn the right technique to write perfect answers in the exams and earn high scores.
In this article you will get the NCERT solutions for Class 11 Biology chapter 9, Biomolecules. Our subject experts have reviewed these NCERT solutions to provide you the error free content which will make it easy for you to prepare easily and effectively for the annual exams.
All the class 11 Biology NCERT solutions are available in PDF format which students may easily download free of cost.
Some of the questions and their solutions from NCERT Solutions for Class 11: Biomolecules, are as follows:
Q. What are macromolecules? Give examples.
Ans. The large complex molecules having molecular weights more than one thousand Dalton which occur in colloidal state in the intercellular fluid are called macromolecules. They are formed by the polymerization of low molecular weight micromolecules. For example: Polysaccharides, proteins, lipids, etc.
Q. What is meant by tertiary structure of proteins?
Ans. The long protein chain undergoes coiling and folding and gives rise to a complex three-dimensional shape referred to as tertiary structure of proteins. These coils and folds are arranged to hide the non-polar amino acid chains and to expose the polar side chains.
CBSE Class 11 Biology Syllabus 2018 - 2019
Q. Proteins have primary structure. If you are given a method to know which amino acid is at either of the two termini (ends) of a protein, can you connect this information to purity or homogeneity of a protein?
Ans. Yes, if we are provided with a method to know the sequence of proteins, we can check its purity by comparing its structure with any of the known correct protein sequence. If the same amino acid is present at both ends of protein, then it is a homopolymer. In this case, the protein is not pure. On the other hand, a heteropolymer is a pure protein.
Q. Can you describe what happens when milk is converted into curd or yoghurt from your understanding of proteins.
Ans. Milk contains a protein named casein that constitutes nearly 80% of the milk. Casein is of high nutritional value. It also gives milk its characteristic white colour. The curd is formed due to the chemical reaction taking place between casein and lactic acid. When curd is added to milk, the bacteria present in the lactic acid cause coagulation of casein, hence gives rise to the formation of curd.
Get the complete the NCERT solutions for Class 11: Biomolecules, from the following link:
Students may download the NCERT solutions for Class 11 Biology chapter- Biomolecules, in the form of PDF.
Class 11 Biology NCERT Chapter: Biomolecules
At the time of solving the NCERT questions, if you find yourself puzzled or unaware of any particular concept, then you should go through the NCERT chapter once again. Taking a thorough reading of the theories given in NCERT book will help you understand the problem discussed in a question and then come with an appropriate answer.
Main topics discussed in Class 11 Biology chapter: Biomolecules are:
- How to analyse chemical composition?
- Primary and secondary metabolites
- Biomacromolecules
- Proteins
- Polysaccharides
- Nucleic acids
- Structure of proteins
- Nature of bond linking monomers in a polymer
- Dynamic state of body constituents - concept of metabolism
- Metabolic basis for living
- The living state
- Enzymes.
Find below the link to download the complete Chapter:
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