CBSE Class 11 English Syllabus 2023-24: CBSE (the Central Board of Secondary Education) is the Indian educational board that has national affiliations. CBSE is known for its advance and diverse curriculum that ensures overall student development. As you must be aware, CBSE has released the syllabi for all the subjects included in its list for Classes 9 to 12. Classes 10 and 12 are the most highlighted ones as they have to give the CBSE board examinations.
In the past few years, there have been many changes in the syllabus of CBSE. Most of the syllabus made short and to the point and others have a few topics added to enhance knowledge. Students are confused about the topics and chapters that have been dropped and added. To help in that context we have framed this article to help CBSE Class 1 students understand the deleted topics from English Core. The article also elaborates on the rationalised content of NCERT books allocated for English Core.
CBSE Class 11 English Deleted Syllabus 2023-2024
Grammar |
Writing |
Literature | Hornbill
Section-wise weightage CBSE class 11 English 2023-24:
Sections | Total marks |
Section A: Reading Comprehension | 26 |
Section B: Grammar and Creative Writing Skills | 23 |
Section C: Language through Literature | 31 |
Total | 80 |
The old CBSE Class 11 English Core Unit-wise weightage was quite different from the present one. Check the old unit-wise weightage in the table below:
Sections | Total marks |
Section A: Reading Comprehension | 20 |
Section B: Grammar and Creative Writing Skills | 30 |
Section C: Language through Literature | 30 |
Total | 80 |
For better comparison and to know the changes done in the CBSE Class 11 English Core syllabus read the table below that clearly demarcates the old and present English Core syllabus.
Old Syllabus | 2023-24 Syllabus |
Section A | Section A |
READING COMPREHENSION There shall be two unseen passages (including poems) with a variety of questions like Objective Type Questions, Short Answer Questions and Multiple Choice Questions, including 04 marks for vocabulary such as word formation and inferring meaning. Multiple Choice Questions (1x6=6marks), Objective Type Questions ( 1x6= 6marks), 01 Short Answer Question (3x1=3marks), 01 Long Answer Question (5x1=5marks) The range of the two passages including a poem or a stanza, should be 900-1000 words as per the following details: 1. The passage of 550-600 words in length will be used for note-making and summarizing. 2. The passage of 350-400 words in length will be used to test comprehension, interpretation and inference. OR 3. An unseen poem of 28-35 lines to test comprehension, interpretation and inference. The passages as given above could be of any one of the following types: Factual passages, e.g., illustrations, description, reports / Discursive passages involving opinion, e.g., argumentative, persuasive/Literary passages e.g. extracts from fiction, biography, autobiography, travelogue, etc. In the case of a poem, the text may be shorter than the prescribed word limit. | Reading Comprehension through Unseen Passages 1. One unseen passage to assess comprehension, interpretation, analysis, inference and vocabulary. The passage may be factual, descriptive or literary. 2. One unseen case-based factual passage with verbal/visual inputs like statistical data, charts etc. to assess comprehension, interpretation, analysis, inference and evaluation. Note: The combined word limit for both the passages will be 600-750. Multiple Choice Questions / Objective Type Questions will be asked. 3. Note Making and Summarization based on a passage of approximately 200-250 words. i. Note Making: 5 Marks ○ Title: 1 ○ Numbering and indenting: 1 ○ Key/glossary: 1 ○ Notes: 2 ii. Summary (up to 50 words): 3 Marks ○ Content: 2 ○ Expression: 1 |
Section B | Section B |
WRITING SKILLS AND GRAMMAR Writing 1. One Short Answer Question: Based on notice/ poster/ advertisement- 4 Marks 2. Two Long Answer Questions: Letters based on verbal/visual input. – (6x2=12 Marks) It would cover all types of letters. Letter types may include: (a) business or official letters (for making enquiries, registering complaints, asking for and giving information, placing orders and sending replies) (b) letters to the editor (giving suggestions/opinions on an issue) (c) application for a job with a bio-data or résumé (d) letter to the school or college authorities, regarding admissions, school issues, requirements/suitability of courses, etc. 3. Very Long Answer Question: Composition in the form of article/speech/report writing or a narrative- 8 Marks GRAMMAR ( 6 Objective Type Questions) Different grammatical structures in meaningful contexts will be tested. Item types will include gap filling, sentence re-ordering, dialogue completion and sentence transformation. The grammar syllabus will include determiners, tenses, clauses, modals and Change of Voice. These grammar areas will be tested through 6 objective type questions on the following: A. Error Correction, editing tasks B. Re -ordering of sentences, C. Transformation of sentences | Grammar (7 Marks) 4. Questions on Gap filling (Tenses, Clauses) 5. Questions on re-ordering/transformation of sentences (Total seven questions to be done out of the eight given). Creative Writing Skills 16 Marks 6. Short writing task – Classified Advertisements, up to 50 words. One out of the two given questions to be answered (3 Marks: Format: 1 / Content: 1 / Expression: 1) 7. Short writing task –Poster up to 50 words. One out of the two given questions to be answered.(3 marks: Format: 1 / Content: 1 / Expression: 1) 8. Long Writing task: Speech in 120-150 words based on verbal/visual cues related to contemporary / age-appropriate topic. One out of the two given questions to be answered. (5 Marks: Format: 1 / Content: 2 / Expression: 2) 9. Long Writing Task: Debate based on visual/verbal inputs in 120-150 words, thematically related to contemporary, topical issues. One out of the two given questions to be answered. (5 Marks: Format: 1 / Content: 2 / Expression: 2) |
LITERATURE Questions from the prescribed texts to test comprehension at different levels, like literal, inferential and evaluative will be asked. 1. Two Objective Type Questions out of three - Based on an extract from poetry to test reference to context comprehension and appreciation. – (1x2=2 Marks) 2. Five Short Answer Questions out of six (3 questions should be from Hornbill) - Based on prose, poetry and plays from both the texts. (2x5=10 marks)) 3. One Long Answer Question out of two from Hornbill (to be answered in 120-150 words) Based on prescribed texts to test global comprehension and extrapolation beyond the texts. (6 marks) 4. One Long Answer Questions out of two from Snapshots (to be answered in 120-150 words) -Based on theme, plot, incidents or events to test global comprehension and extrapolation beyond the texts. (6 marks) 5. One Long Answer Question out of two from Hornbill (to be answered in 120-150 words)-Based on understanding appreciation, analysis and interpretation of the characters/events/episodes/incidents.(6 marks) | Literature Text Book and Supplementary Reading Text This section will have variety of assessment items including Multiple Choice Questions, Objective Type Questions, Short Answer Type Questions and Long Answer Type Questions to assess comprehension, interpretation, analysis, evaluation and extrapolation beyond the text. 10. One Poetry extract out of two, from the book Hornbill, to assess comprehension, interpretation, analysis, inference and appreciation. (3x1=3 Marks) 11. One Prose extract out of two, from the book Hornbill, to assess comprehension, interpretation, analysis, evaluation and appreciation. (3x1=3 Marks) 12. One prose extract out of two, from the book Snapshots, to assess comprehension, interpretation, analysis, inference and appreciation. (4x1=4 Marks) 13. Two Short answer type questions (one from Prose and one from Poetry, from the book Hornbill), out of four, to be answered in 40-50 words. Questions should elicit inferential responses through critical thinking. (3x2=6 Marks) 14. One Short answer type question, from the book Snapshots, to be answered in 40- 50 words. Questions should elicit inferential responses through critical thinking. One out of two questions to be done. (3x1=3 Marks) 15. One Long answer type question, from Prose/Poetry of Hornbill, to be answered in 120-150 words. Questions can be based on incident/theme/passage/extract/event, as reference points to assess extrapolation beyond and across the text. The question will elicit analytical and evaluative response from the student. Any one out of two questions to be done. (1x6=6 Marks) 16. One Long answer type question, based on the chapters from the book Snapshots, to be answered in 120-150 words, to assess global comprehension and extrapolation beyond the text. Questions to provide analytical and evaluative responses, using incidents, events, themes, as reference points. Any one out of two questions to be done. (1x6=6 Marks) |
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