ICSE Class 10 Art Syllabus 2023-24: Download Syllabus PDF

ICSE Class 10 Art Syllabus 2024: Read the article for the updated ICSE Class 10 syllabus for Art. The syllabus is CISCE formulated with step-wise elaboration. Download the 2023-24 syllabus pdf as well. 

Atul Rawal
Apr 21, 2023, 10:12 IST
Download ICSE Class 10  Art Syllabus 2023-24 PDF
Download ICSE Class 10 Art Syllabus 2023-24 PDF

Class 10 2023-24 Art syllabus ICSE: Art, when we hear this term the first thing that comes to mind is drawing, painting or sketching. It is a talent for some but a struggle for others. As per great painters or artists, the perfection of the art won’t matter if it represents emotions because emotions are not dependent on materialist things. If you see something and get the feeling then no matter how vague it is you will be considered one of the great artists. To pull out the great artists hiding within the students CISCE has included Art in one of its electives of group III. This post is to discuss the syllabus of this elective (code:60). The ICSE Class 9 and 10 Art syllabus is similar thus students of ICSE Class 10 don’t have to struggle much to know the ICSE Class 10 Art syllabus 2023-24. Read this complete post to know further about the 2023-24 Art syllabus for class 10 Art.

ICSE Art Syllabus Aims

1. To acquire a knowledge of artistic terms, facts, concepts, theories and principles in drawing and painting, i.e. imagination, creativity, expression, aesthetic sense, organisation, observation and interest. 

2. To develop an interest in the world of art. 

3. To develop an artistic attitude and values through the study of art. 

4. To acquire skills in observations, handling tools and drawing illustrations.

ICSE Class 10 Art Syllabus 2023-24

There will be four papers, candidates will be required to offer any two papers
  • Paper 1: (3 hours) Drawing and/or Painting from Still Life - 100 Marks 
  • Paper 2: (3 hours) Drawing and/or Painting from Nature - 100 Marks 
  • Paper 3: (3 hours) Original Imaginative Composition in Colour - 100 Marks 
  • Paper 4: (3 hours) Applied Art - 100 Marks
PAPER 1 (3 hours) Drawing and/or Painting from Still Life
A group of objects which will be artificial or natural and may include such things as cut flowers, fruits, vegetables, a growing plant, as well as domestic or other artificial objects: the group may be drawn or painted. The work can be carried out, if the candidate wishes, in relation to the surroundings or the part of the room in which the group is placed. If the group is painted, the background must be included
PAPER 2 (3 hours) Drawing and/or Painting from Nature
This paper is divided into two separate sections. Candidates may offer either A or B. In both sections, the subject may be interpreted freely, either in a decorative or in realistic manner. 
A. Study of the structure of natural forms: such as a spray or branch, which may include flowers, foliage or fruit, fossils, bones, etc. Candidates are expected to reveal their appreciation of natural growth or structure by means of drawing or painting. 
B. A subject will be set for drawing or painting out of doors. There should be evidence of a direct study from nature. 
PAPER 3 (3 hours) Original Imaginative Composition in Colour
A paper containing a list of alternative subjects will be given to candidates one week before the examination. The actual composition will be executed in the examination room after a period of not less than 7 days from the distribution of the paper to the candidates; sketches or other notes must not be taken into the examination room. Since this is a test of original work, it would be inappropriate for any form of guidance to be given to candidates other than that printed on the question paper. A variety of themes will be set; these may be given in the form of titles indicating the subject or of specified subjects for inclusion in composition, or in any other form that will stimulate the imagination. Candidates should base their work, if possible, on scenes which they have themselves observed. Any style or technique including that which is traditional in the candidate’s own area may be used.
PAPER 4 (3 hours) Applied Art
Candidates will be required to answer any one question. The object of this paper is to test the ability of candidates in a craftwork where the material is restricted to flat paper, ink and/or colour. Questions will be set requiring the design and execution of the following:  
  • the page of a book, book cover, or endpaper;  
  • a notice or pictorial poster;  
  • a card such as a Christmas card or invitation card, or emblem;  
  • a patterned paper for a specific purpose. 
Several but not all of these alternative subjects will be set, and candidates will be required to select any one of them. There will be an opportunity to make full use of the calligrapher's art withdrawn and painted, pen-made or brush-written lettering.



(a) Any medium may be used provided that it is suitable for the subject. Painted work must be carried out in a quick-drying medium and must be completely dry before it is dispatched. When acrylic paint is used for examination work, it must be mixed with water. All paints used must be of adequate quality; if coloured crayons or chalk are used, they must have a range and quality comparable with that of paints and must be carefully fixed at the examination centre before the work is sent to the Examiner. Monochrome may be used where permitted by the regulations for each Paper but will not be accepted as satisfying the requirement in respect of colour for Paper 3.

(b) Candidates must use their judgement with regard to (i) the size of a drawing or painting (ii) the proportion of height to width within the space available. In all cases credit will be given to good composition.

(c) In each of Papers 1 to 3, the test is of free drawing or painting. Therefore, any mechanical means for the execution of the drawing or painting (such as measuring or ruling) are not allowed. Instruments and tracing papers are allowed for Paper 4, but candidates are advised to restrict their use as far as possible.

(d) Where question papers or printed instructions provide for alternative groups, etc., the Supervisor in consultation with an Art Teacher will decide which of these alternatives is to form the subject of the examination, after taking account of local convenience, etc. At centres for candidates from more than one school, both of the alternative subjects in Paper 2 (Plant Drawing) must be provided if they are required by schools or candidates.

(e) Suitable alternative subjects will be provided for the different areas, so far as this may appear desirable. Account will be taken of different climatic conditions in the selection of flower specimens, etc.

(f) The paper supplied for use in the examination room will be about 35cm x 25 cm. Schools or candidates wishing to work on a large scale, not larger than Half-Imperial or Royal (65 cm x 50 cm) or on a different type of tone or paper, will be at liberty to provide their own. Work which is carried out on stiff boards, or which is mounted cannot be accepted. The paper used by candidates must not be less than 35 cm x 25 cm and the work submitted must fill or approximately fill the page.

(g) All drawings must be packed flat and not rolled. Half-Imperial and Royal sheets should be folded across the middle, when drawings are too large to enclose in the envelopes provided, it is essential that the information required on the front of the envelope be given and that the envelope itself be packed in the same parcel with the drawings. 

(h) Examiners are caused great inconvenience by candidates failing to write their examination number either clearly or correctly, thus making identification difficult. Schools are asked to co-operate by impressing upon candidates that they must write their names on drawings and paintings on the front (top right-hand corner) and also on the back of their assignments.

They must not write anything else on the front of the picture. Failure to observe this instruction may result in a loss of marks.


PART 2: (To be assessed internally by the School - 100 marks).
Practical Work in Art
(A) Course Work
(1) Candidates will be required to practice sketching, painting, drawing, etc., in preparation for the examination. They will also undertake practical work on any of the topics suggested below. The practical work of the candidates will be assessed by the teacher as coursework. The teacher is free to assess the course work either on the basis of continuous assessment or on the basis of periodical tests.
(2) Suggested topics for practical work:
(i) Pottery work.
(ii) Sculpture; any medium.
(iii) Carving in any available material: e.g.
wood, plaster, stone.
(iv) Panel or relief in clay or plaster.
(v) Block-printing, batik, tie and dye, etc., on
any material.
(vi) Printing from original wood or lino block.
(vii) Creative Photography.
(viii) Cartoon and portrait drawing.
(ix) Animation.
(B) Finished Work
In addition to the course work the candidates will have to submit four pieces of finished Artwork for assessment by the External Examiner. The topics on which these pieces of Artwork may be based can be taken from the syllabus or from any of the topics listed in (A) (2) above or from any other aspect of Art.
(C) Assessment
The teacher and the External Examiner will assess the Artwork of the candidates on an impression by placing the work of the candidates in groups, giving the following aspects due consideration:  
  • Imaginative expression.  
  • Quality of pattern, line and materials.  
  • Skill in the use of tools and materials.  
  • Use of colour. 
Other aspects may also be considered depending on the nature of the practical work
(D) Award of Marks
Subject Teacher (Internal Examiner) 50 marks 
External Examiner 50 marks 
The total marks obtained out of 100 are to be sent to the Council by the Head of the school. 
The Head of the school will be responsible for the online entry of marks on the Council’s CAREERS portal by the due date

Now that you covered all the text mentioned in this post it is time to get the material in PDF format. Click on the link below and download the syllabus pdf.

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