Class 10 2023-24 Commercial Studies syllabus ICSE: Students who have just been promoted to class 10 are excited but worried as this year they will have to appear for ICSE Class 10 board examinations. Board examination is a very crucial time for students, their parents and teachers. They all put effort but a little extra needs to come from the students’ side as they will be the ones directly dealing with the paper. For this reason, students of ICSE Class 10 should be all equipped from the beginning. This article is designed to help ICSE Class 10 students to know their Commercial Studies syllabus 2023-24 so that they can be a step ahead in their preparation for board exams 2023-24. A PDF of the syllabus is also provided with this post that you can download for free.
ICSE Commercial Studies Syllabus Aims:
1. To enable students to develop a perceptive, sensitive and critical response to the role of business in a global, national and local context.
2. To allow students to balance the demands of social parameters with individual aspirations.
3. To develop in students an appreciation for the roles of the entrepreneur and the professional manager.
4. To help develop a cooperative attitude through the study of the organisation and participation associated with commerce and industry.
5. To provide an appropriate body of knowledge and understanding, and to develop appropriate skills as a basis for further study or work or both.
ICSE Class 10 Commercial Studies Syllabus General Guidelines:
1. There will be one written paper of two hours duration carrying 80 marks and Internal Assessment of 20 marks.
2. The paper will be divided into two sections A and B.
3. Section A (Compulsory) will consist of questions requiring short answers and will cover the entire syllabus.
4. Section B will consist of questions, which will require detailed answers. There will be a choice and candidates will be required to answer four questions from this section.
ICSE Class 10 Commercial Studies Syllabus 2023-24
1. Stakeholders in Commercial Organisations |
(a) Meaning of stakeholder, types: Internal (shareholder, employee and employer – meaning of each) and External stakeholders (supplier, creditor, government and society – meaning of each); differences between internal and external stakeholders. (b) Expectations of employers (owners and managers), employees, creditors and suppliers, government and society from a commercial organization. |
2. Marketing and Sales |
(a) Marketing Meaning and objectives of marketing. Difference between marketing and sales. (b) Product and service Meaning and difference between a product and a service (with examples). (c) Pricing Meaning and objectives (d) Advertising and Sales promotion Advertising: meaning, importance of advertising; merits and demerits, difference between advertising and publicity. Advertising Agency; meaning and functions only, Social advertising media - Concept and examples only. Sales promotion – meaning and techniques; difference between advertising and sales promotion. (e) Consumer Protection Consumer Protection Act (2019); features of the Act, rights of a consumer, Consumer exploitation; meaning and types, Importance of consumer awareness. (f) E-commerce Introduction and benefits over traditional methods of transactions, E-tailing, E-advertising, E-marketing and E-security (meaning only). ERP and its modules (brief concept) |
3. Finance and Accounting |
(a) Capital and Revenue Capital and revenue receipts, capital and revenue expenditure (meaning, difference and examples) deferred revenue expenditure (meaning and examples) (b) Final accounts of Sole Proprietorship
(c) Costs Fundamental concept of Cost Classification of costs- based on behaviour (fixed, variable, semi-variable), nature (direct, indirect). (d) Budgeting Meaning and utility of budgeting; comparison between budgeting and forecasting; types of budgets: sales, production, cash, purchase and master – meaning only. (e) Sources of Finance (i) Capital Market Meaning and functions of Capital Market. (ii) Sources of raising capital. Long term: Meaning of shares (Types; preference and equity) and debentures, differences between the two. Short term: loans from commercial banks (cash credit, overdraft, discounting of bills – meaning |
4. Human Resources |
(a) Recruitment, selection and training. (i) Recruitment – meaning; sources: internal and external; advantages and disadvantages of internal and external sources. (ii) Selection - meaning and steps, types of selection tests. (iii)Training – meaning, objectives and methods of training (on the job and off the job). (b) Industrial relations and trade unions. Industrial relations: Meaning and objectives; Trade Unions: Meaning and Functions. (c) Social Security Concept of Social Security; brief reference to Provident Fund, Gratuity, Pension, Group Insurance and Maternity Benefits. New Pension Scheme. (Acts are not required). |
5. Logistics |
Meaning of logistics and its classification. (a) Transportation Modes of transportation: land (road and rail), air and water; merits and demerits of each. (b) Warehousing Meaning, importance and types (public, private and bonded – meaning only). (c) Insurance Meaning; Types of insurance: Life insurance, General insurance; (Fire, Health and Marine - meaning only) principles of insurance. |
6. Banking |
(i) Central Bank Central Bank: Meaning and functions, Difference between the Central Bank and Commercial Banks. (ii) Internet Banking Modes of transferring money / Net Banking: NEFT, RTGS, IMPS, mobile wallets: meaning only. ATM, Credit & Debit cards- meaning &difference, caution to be taken while using these cards. (iii)Financial fraudulent practices Credit card fraud, false accounting, insurance fraud, intellectual property fraud, internet and cyber fraud. A brief understanding of these types of financial fraud. |
7. Government initiatives in Environment Protection. |
(i) Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 - Features of the act. (ii) Central Pollution Control Board - Functions only. |
A minimum of three assignments are to be done during the year, as assigned by the teacher. |
Get the complete 2023-24 syllabus in pdf format from the link below: