ICSE Class 10 Home Science Syllabus 2023-24: Download Syllabus PDF

ICSE Class 10 Home Science Syllabus 2024: Read the article to know the updated ICSE Class 10 syllabus for Home Science. The syllabus provided here is CISCE formulated with step-wise elaboration. Download the 2023-24 syllabus pdf as well. 

Atul Rawal
Apr 26, 2023, 12:45 IST
Download ICSE Class 10 Home Science Syllabus 2023-24 PDF
Download ICSE Class 10 Home Science Syllabus 2023-24 PDF

Class 10 2023-24 Home Science syllabus ICSE: The  Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) has released the new syllabi for all the subjects in group I (compulsory), group II elective, and group III elective. Home Science, subject code-68 is one of the electives in group III. This subject is offered to ICSE and ISC students as an additional subject. Here we will be discussing the Home Science syllabus for ICSE Class 9. To check the syllabus of ICSE Class 9 Home Science syllabus 2023-24 read this complete story.

ICSE Home Science Syllabus Aims

  1. To understand and appreciate the role of Home Science in the development and well- being of self, family and community. 
  2. To develop an understanding of the basic concepts of food and nutrition in order to lead a healthy life. 
  3. To understand human development with respect to early and middle childhood. 
  4. To develop skills to enable candidates to communicate effectively in various spheres of life. 
  5. To introduce candidates to the basics of Textiles and Clothing. 
  6. To develop skills for effective management and utilisation of resources available. 
  7. To create awareness regarding various developmental issues and concerns.

ICSE Class 10 Home Science Syllabus 2023-24

There will be one written paper of two hours duration carrying 100 marks and an Internal Assessment of 100 marks.


The paper will be divided into two Sections, A and B. 

Section A will consist of questions requiring short answers and will cover the entire syllabus. There will be no choice of questions. 

Section B will consist of questions requiring longer answers. Candidates will be required to answer four questions. There will be a choice of questions.

1. Home Management 
(i) Management of Household Finances: budgeting and saving. 
Concept and importance of family budget; types of family budgets (surplus, balanced, deficit); factors affecting family budget (composition of the family, life cycle, socioeconomic status); steps in preparing a family budget; 
An understanding of how budgeting helps in proper planning and judicious utilization of available resources. Concept and importance of saving. 
(ii) Space Organisation in the Kitchen: characteristics and considerations of a good kitchen; layout and planning of kitchens: one-walled, corridor, L-shaped, U-shaped, Island. Modular kitchen. 
Characteristics and considerations of a good kitchen: aspect, size, colour, ventilation, walls, flooring, work counters, lighting, storage; Work triangle: meaning and the three centres – preliminary preparation, cooking and washing; 
An introduction to the design of kitchen space with respect to placement of work centres for preparation, cooking, washing, service and storage, for the most efficient utilisation of space and saving time and energy; concept of modular kitchens. 
(iii) Home furnishing. 
Meaning of home furnishing; objectives of home furnishing: beauty, expressiveness, functionalism; factors affecting selection of furnishings: curtains, floor coverings (rugs, carpets) and upholstery. 
2. Growth and Development during Middle Childhood
(i) Milestones of development. 
Meaning and characteristics of gang age. Growth and development between 6 - 12 years of age with respect to physical, social, emotional, cognitive and language development (meaning and characteristics of each type of development). 
(ii) Role of the family, peer group and school in middle childhood. 
Meaning of peer group; role of the family, peer group and school in the social development process of the child. 
(iii)Common learning difficulties of children; role of family, school and peers. 
Meaning of the term learning difficulty; Meaning and symptoms of: dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. 
Role of the family, school and peers in acceptance of and sensitisation towards children with learning difficulties.
3. Meal Planning
(i) Meal planning for the family. 
Components of a balanced diet: the five basic food groups (cereals, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, milk and meat products, fruits and vegetables, sugars and fats): sources and their nutritional contribution in the diet. 
Explanation of the term meal planning, principles, importance and factors affecting meal planning. 
(ii) Hygienic handling and storage of food - household methods of preservation of food. 
Definition of the term food hygiene; Hygienic handling of food during purchase, storage, preparation and serving. Importance of personal hygiene while handling food. Sanitation and safety in the kitchen.
Meaning and examples of perishable, semi-perishable and non-perishable food items: Storage of perishable, semi-perishable and non-perishable food items commonly available at home; use of convenience foods- advantages and disadvantages. 
Definition of food preservation; household methods of food preservation: sun drying, freezing, use of salt, sugar, spices, oil and chemical preservatives.
4. Selection and care of Textiles and Clothing 
(i) Selection of Fabric 
Factors affecting the selection of fabric: age, sex, occupation, season, occasion, fashion, and purchasing power. 
(ii) Selection of readymade garments. 
Factors affecting the selection of readymade garments: fit, colour, workmanship, cost, and maintenance. 
(iii)Laundering of Clothes 
Household methods of laundering of cotton, silk, wool and synthetics (step-wise), use of detergents, soaps, starch, blue and optical brighteners.
5. Communication & Extension 
(i) Understanding terminology related to development; some developmental schemes and programmes in India. 
Meaning of the following terms: 
Gender discrimination, women’s empowerment, sex ratio, child labour, human trafficking, child abuse, female infanticide/foeticide, morbidity and mortality, carbon footprint, endangered species, population explosion, human capital, poverty line. 
A brief understanding, significance and target group of each of the following: 
− DWCRA (Development of Women Children in Rural Areas); 
− MNREGA (Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 2005); 
− Ayushman Bharat or Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana; 
− Ujjwala Yojna; 
− Pradhanmantri Jan Dhan Yojna. 
(ii) Communication aids. 
Meaning and uses of communication aids; Poster, brochure, pamphlets, puppet shows, street play: effective usage of these communication aids for addressing various social concerns. 
To be assessed internally by the school.
Candidates will be required to practice one or more aspects of Home Management, Human Development, Foods and Nutrition, Textiles and Communication & Extension, covered in the syllabus. They may also undertake practical work on any of the topics suggested below. The teacher is free to assess the practical work either on the basis of continuous assessment or on the basis of periodical tests.
Five practical-oriented assignments as prescribed by the teacher.


ICSE Home Science Internal Assessment- Guidelines For Marking With Grades


Planning Efficiency
Working to time plan
Quality produced
Grade I 
Follows the question set and systematically organises the work process. 
Is successful in handling parts of the question set and fits them within required time.
Excellent display of manipulative skills - can deal with a laboratory situation efficiently
With a special insight into the question, the quality developed is of a high standard. 
A fine aesthetic sense and artistic ability conveyed in the complete arrangement. 
4 marks for each criterion 
Grade II
Follows the question set except that the step by step work shows slow operational skill. 
Is successful in handling parts of the question, but the smooth work appears to slow down. 
Good control of manipulative skills. Has been able to deal with each situation with ease.
The insight into the requirements of the question has been achieved and the quality is good. 
The display of colour and equipment used gives an impression of sound organisation.
3 marks for each criterion 
Grade III
Follows the question. Order of work process shows lack of coordination. 
Is successful in handling the question, however the time link seems to break in some area. 
Has been successful with the manipulative skills in parts, then gradually slows down. 
The quality has been produced in part but the overall lacks some achievement. 
The arrangement appears complete but some special details missing. 
2 marks for each criterion 
Grade IV
Follows a part of the question, work sequence appears disorganised.
Is able to work only a part of the question within the time stated and then seems confused.
Begins with a control of the skills and is unable to sustain the effort. 
Only few areas of quality are visible, which affect the total result produced. 
Part of the arrangement is represented but the total appearance lacks finish and composition. 
1 mark for each criterion 
Grade V
Has not been able to interpret the question into proper laboratory organisation. 
Time and work sequence is most disorganised.
Is unable to control and manipulate the required skills. 
No standard of quality has been achieved due to poor understanding. 
There has been no achievement in either the appearance or arrangement. 
0 marks for each criterion


To check the complete list of suggested assignments by CISCE check and download the pdf from the link provided below:

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