ICSE Class 9 Biology Syllabus 2023-24: Download Class 9th Biology Syllabus PDF

ICSE Class 9 Biology Syllabus 2024: Read this article for the updated and detailed syllabus for ICSE Biology Class 9. Download the 2023-24 unit-wise syllabus pdf.

Atul Rawal
Apr 4, 2023, 13:20 IST
Download ICSE Board Class 9 Biology Syllabus PDF for session 2023-24
Download ICSE Board Class 9 Biology Syllabus PDF for session 2023-24

ICSE Biology Syllabus for Class 9: When we hear the term Biology all that comes to mind are plants and animals, living beings in short. Yes, it is a very normal reaction of the brain to stimuli based on certain pre-invested memories or learnings. There are organisms when cut into pieces regenerate a complete body from each. Sounds interesting! Such things fascinate students to take biology as one of their electives. The subject is diverse and the most amazing part, it has no long calculations to tackle. Well, it is a good part for many. At the level of class 9, biology as a subject introduces students to many new topics, terms and concepts. To highlight all those in more detail we are going to provide the well-framed, CISCE-approved syllabus for ICSE Class 9 Biology syllabus 2024.  Let us start with a quick revision of the aims set by CISCE for the 2023-24 Biology syllabus. 

2023-24 ICSE Class 9 Biology Syllabus Aims;

  1. To acquire knowledge of the economic importance of plants and animals. 
  2. To understand the interrelationship between sustainability and environmental adaptations. 
  3. To develop an understanding of the interdependence of plants and animals so as to enable pupils to acquire a more precise comprehension 
  4. of the significance of life and its importance in human welfare. 
  5. To understand the capacities and limitations of all the biological and economic activities so as to be able to use them for a better quality of life. 
  6. To acquire the ability to observe, experiment, hypothesize, infer, handle equipment accurately and make correct recordings.

Now that we know the multiple aims of the Biology ICSE Class 9 syllabus 2023-24, it is time to start with the general guidelines we must be aware of. 

ICSE Class 9 Biology Syllabus General Guideline:

  • There will be one paper of two hours duration of 80 marks and an Internal Assessment of practical work carrying 20 marks. 
  • The paper will be divided into two sections, Section I (40 marks) and Section II (40 marks). 
  • Section I (compulsory) will contain short answer questions on the entire syllabus. Section II will have six questions. Candidates will be required to answer any four of these six questions.

Detailed ICSE Class 9 2023-24 Biology Syllabus:



SCIENCE Paper - 3

1. Basic Biology
(i) The cell, a unit of life, protoplasm, basic difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell; differences between an animal and a plant cell.  
  • A basic understanding of the cell theory, and structure of plant and animal cell with functions of various cell organelles. (Protoplasm, Cytoplasm, Cell Wall, Cell Membrane, Nucleus, Nucleolus, Mitochondria, Endoplasmic Reticulum, Ribosome, Golgi bodies, Plastids, Lysosomes, Centrosome and Vacuole).  
  • Major differences between a prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell.  
  • Differences between a plant cell and an animal cell should be mainly discussed with respect to cell wall, centrosome, vacuoles and plastids.
(ii) Tissues: Types of plant and animal tissues.  
  • A brief understanding of their location, basic structure and functions with examples.  
  • A brief understanding of their role in different physiological processes in plants and animals.
2. Flowering Plants
(i) Flower: Structure of a bisexual flower, functions of various parts.  
  • A brief introduction to complete and incomplete flowers.  
  • Essential and non-essential whorls of a bisexual flower; their various parts and functions.  
  • Inflorescence and placentation (meaning only) 
(Charts or actual specimens may be used to help enhance the clarity of concepts.) 
(ii) Pollination: self and cross-pollination.  
  • Explanation, advantages and disadvantages of self and cross-pollination.  
  • Agents of pollination and the characteristic features of flowers are pollinated by various agents such as insects, wind, and water.  
  • A brief idea as to how nature favours cross-pollination.
(iii) Fertilisation.  
  • Events taking place between pollination and fertilisation leading to the formation of zygote in the embryo sac.  
  • A brief explanation of the terms double fertilization and triple fusion.  
  • Fruit and Seed - definition and significance.
3. Plant Physiology
(i) Structure of dicot and monocot seeds, Germination of seeds, types, and conditions for seed germination.  
  • Structure and germination of Bean seed and Maize grain.  
  • Differences between monocot and dicot seeds.  
  • Differences between hypogeal and epigeal germination.  
  • Conditions for seed germination - To be explained and supported by experiments. 
(ii) Respiration in plants: outline of the process, gaseous exchange.  
  • A brief outline of the process mentioning the terms Glycolysis, Krebs cycle and their significance.  
  • A reference to be made to aerobic and anaerobic respiration with chemical equations in each case.  
  • Experiments on gaseous exchange and on heat production.
4. Diversity in living organisms
(i) A brief outline of the five Kingdom classification.  
  • Main characteristics of each kingdom with suitable examples: -Monera, Protista, Fungi. 
-Plantae - Thallophyta, Bryophyta, Pteridophyta and Spermatophyta.  
  • Animalia - non-chordates from Porifera to Echinodermata and Chordates - all five Classes.
(ii) Economic importance of Bacteria. 
(a) Useful role of bacteria:  
  • Medicine: antibiotics, serums and vaccines  
  • Agriculture: nitrogen cycle (role of nitrogen fixing, nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria)  
  • Industry -curing of tea, tanning of leather. 
(b) Harmful role of bacteria - spoilage of food, diseases in plants and animals, bio-weapons. 
(iii)Economic importance of Fungi. A brief idea of the useful role of Fungi in breweries, bakeries, cheese processing, and mushroom cultivation. (Processes of manufacture are not required).
5. Human Anatomy and Physiology
(a) Nutrition: 
(i) Classes of food; balanced diet. Malnutrition and deficiency diseases.  
  • Functions of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, mineral salts (calcium, iodine, iron and sodium), vitamins and water in proper functioning of the body.  
  • Sources of vitamins, their functions and deficiency diseases.  
  • Meaning and importance of a ‘Balanced Diet’.  
  • Role of cellulose in our diet.  
  • Causes, symptoms and prevention of Kwashiorkor and Marasmus. 
(ii) The structure of a tooth, different types of teeth.  
  • Structure of a tooth to be discussed with the help of a diagram.  
  • Functions of different types of teeth.  
  • Dental formula of an adult. 
(iii)Digestive System: Organs, digestive glands and their functions (including enzymes and their functions in digestion, absorption and assimilation of digested food).
  • Organs and glands of the digestive system and their functions with reference to digestion, absorption and assimilation.  
  • brief idea of peristalsis. 
(b) Skeleton - Movement and Locomotion.  
  • Functions of human skeleton  
  • Axial and Appendicular Skeleton  
  • Types of joints with reference to their location: - immovable joints - slightly movable joints - freely movable (hinge joint, ball and socket joint, gliding joint, pivot joint.) 
(c) Structure and functions of skin.  
  • Various parts of the skin and their functions.  
  • Special derivatives of the skin with reference to sweat glands, sebaceous glands, hair, nails and mammary glands.  
  • Heat regulation - vasodilation and vasoconstriction. 
(d) Respiratory System: Organs; mechanism of breathing; tissue respiration, heat production.  
  • Structures of the respiratory system.  
  • Differences between anaerobic respiration in plants and in man.  
  • Role of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles in breathing to provide a clear idea of the breathing process.  
  • Brief idea of gaseous transport and tissue respiration.  Brief understanding of respiratory volumes.  
  • Effect of altitude on breathing; asphyxiation and hypoxia. 
6. Health and Hygiene
(i) A brief introduction to maintaining good health. General idea of personal hygiene, public hygiene and sanitation. 
(ii) A brief introduction to communicable, non-communicable, endemic, epidemic, pandemic and sporadic diseases; modes of transmission.  
  • Meaning of each of the above with examples.  
  • Modes of transmission: air borne, water borne; vectors (housefly, mosquito, cockroach). 
(iii)Bacterial, Viral, Protozoan, Helminthic diseases:  
  • Bacterial: Cholera, typhoid, tuberculosis.  
  • Viral: AIDS, Chicken pox, Hepatitis.  
  • Protozoan: Malaria, Amoebic Dysentery, Sleeping sickness.  
  • Helminthic: Ascariasis, Taeniasis, Filiariasis. (symptoms and measures to control the above diseases.) 
(Scientific names of causative agents not required). 
(iv) Aids to Health: Active and passive immunity.  
  • Meaning of Active and passive immunity.  
  • An understanding of the use and action of the following – vaccination, immunization, antitoxin, serum, antiseptics, disinfectants, and antibiotics.  
  • An idea of the local defence system and its merits, difference between antiseptics and disinfectants. 
(v) Health Organisations: Red Cross, WHO. Major activities of the Red Cross and WHO
7. Waste generation and management
(a) Sources of waste - domestic, industrial, agricultural, commercial and other establishments.  
  • Domestic waste: paper, glass, plastic, rags, kitchen waste, etc.  
  • Industrial: mining operations, cement factories, oil refineries, construction units.  
  • Agricultural: plant remains, animal waste, processing waste.  
  • Municipal sewage: Sewage, degradable and non-degradable waste from offices, etc.  
  • e-waste: brief idea about e-waste. 
(b) Methods of safe disposal of waste.  
  • Segregation, dumping, composting, drainage, treatment of effluents before discharge, incineration, use of scrubbers and electrostatic precipitators.  
  • Segregation of domestic waste into biodegradable and non-biodegradable by households: garden waste to be converted to compost; sewage treatment plants.


Get the complete Biology syllabus for ICSE Class 9 from the link below. Check criteria and mark distribution for internal assessment and more.

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  • Difference between ICSE and ISC?
    ICSE and ISC are the type of examination that comes under the CISCE Board. ICSE stands for the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education. ISC stands for Indian School Certificate. CISCE Standards till class 10 comes under ICSE, class 11 and 12 comes under ISC.
  • How many units are there in ICSE Class 9 Biology Syllabus 2023-24?
    As per the latest syllabus released by the CISCE, the class 9 biology syllabus comprises of total 7 units; 1. Basic Biology, 2. Flowering Plants, 3. Plant Physiology, 4. Diversity in living organisms, 5. Human Anatomy and Physiology, 6. Health and Hygiene, and 7. Waste generation and management.


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