Class 9 2023-24 Computer Applications syllabus ICSE: We are living in an era of technology where people almost rely on computers and their applications for doing day-to-day tasks. This proves that the future will be in the hands of computers and people in this field will have higher growth in their careers. Many ICSE students choose Computer Applications as their elective subject and thus need a proper syllabus for it. This article will eliminate that concern of yours as it provides the CISCE-formulated Computer Applications syllabus for ICSE class 9. You can check and download the pdf for the same.
ICSE Class 9 Computer Applications subject will have a theory paper only with 100 marks and the internal marks will depend on assignments and tests.
ICSE Computer Applications Syllabus Aims
1. To empower students by enabling them to build their own applications.
2. To introduce students to some effective tools to enable them to enhance their knowledge, broaden horizons, foster creativity, improve the quality of work and increase efficiency.
3. To develop logical and analytical thinking so that they can easily solve interactive programs.
4. To help students learn fundamental concepts of computing using an object-oriented approach in one computer language.
5. To provide students with a clear idea of ethical issues involved in the field of computing.
ICSE Class 9 Computer Applications Key Pointers
1. There will be one written paper of two hours duration carrying 100 marks and an Internal Assessment of 100 marks.
2. The paper will be divided into two sections A and B.
3. Section A (Compulsory – 40 marks) will consist of compulsory short answer questions covering the entire syllabus.
4. Section B (60 marks) will consist of questions which will require detailed answers. There will be a choice of questions in this section.
ICSE Class 9 Computer Science Syllabus 2023-24
THEORY – 100 Marks
1. Introduction to Object Oriented Programming concepts |
(i) Principles of Object Oriented Programming, (Difference between Procedure Oriented and Object-oriented). All four principles of Object Oriented Programming should be defined and explained using real-life examples (Data abstraction, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation). (ii) Introduction to JAVA - Types of Java programs – Applets and Applications, Java Compilation process, Java Source code, Byte code, Object code, Java Virtual Machine (JVM), Features of JAVA. Definition of Java applets and Java applications with examples, steps involved in the compilation process, definitions of source code, byte code, object code, JVM, features of JAVA - Simple, Robust, secured, object-oriented, platform-independent, etc |
2. Elementary Concept of Objects and Classes |
Modelling entities and their behaviour by objects, a class as a specification for objects and as an object factory, computation as message passing/method calls between objects (many examples should be done to illustrate this). Objects encapsulate state (attributes) and have behaviour (methods). Class as a user-defined data type. A class may be regarded as a blueprint to create objects. It may be viewed as a factory that produces similar objects. A class may also be considered as a new data type created by the user, that has its own functionality. |
3. Values and data types |
Character set, ASCII code, Unicode, Escape sequences, Tokens, Constants and Variables, Data types, type conversions. Escape sequences [\n, \t, \\, \”, \’], Tokens and its types [keywords, identifiers, literals, punctuators, operators], primitive types and non-primitive types with examples, Introduce the primitive types with size in bits and bytes, Implicit type conversion and Explicit type conversion. |
4. Operators in Java |
Forms of operators, Types of operators, Counters, Accumulators, Hierarchy of operators, ‘new’ operator, dot ( . ) operator. Forms of operators (Unary, Binary, Ternary), types of operators (Arithmetic, Relational, Logical, Assignment, Increment, Decrement, Short hand operators), Discuss precedence and associativity of operators, prefix and postfix, Creation of dynamic memory by using new operator, invoking members of class using dot operator, Introduce System.out.println() and System.out.print() for simple output. (Bitwise and shift operators are not included). |
5. Input in Java |
Initialization, Parameter, introduction to packages, Input streams (Scanner Class), types of errors, types of comments Initialization – Data before execution, Parameters – at the time of execution, input stream – data entry during execution – using methods of Scanner class [nextShort(), nextInt( ), nextLong( ), nextFloat ( ), nextDouble( ), next( ), nextLine( ), next ( ) .charAt(0) ] Discuss different types of errors occurring during the execution and compilation of the program (syntax errors, runtime errors and logical errors).Single line comment (//) and multiline comment (/* … */ ) |
6. Mathematical Library Methods |
Introduction to package java.lang [ default ], methods of Math class. pow(x,y), sqrt(x), cbrt(x), ceil(x), floor(x), round (x), abs(a), max(a, b), min(a,b), random( ). Java expressions – using all the operators and methods of Math class. |
7. Conditional constructs in Java |
Application of if, if else, if else if ladder, switch-case, default, break. if, if else, if else if, Nested if, switch case, break statement, fall through condition in switch case, Menu driven programs, System.exit(0) - to terminate the program. |
8. Iterative constructs in Java |
Definition, Types of looping statements, entry controlled loops [ for, while], exit controlled loop [do while] , variations in looping statements, and Jump statements. Syntax of entry and exit controlled loops, break and continue, Simple programs illustrating all three loops, interconversion from for – while – do while, finite and infinite, delay, multiple counter variables (initializations and updations). Demonstrate break and continue statements with the help of loops. Loops are fundamental to computation and their need should be shown by examples. |
9. Nested for loops |
Introduce nested loops through some simple examples. Demonstrate break and continue statements with the help of nested loops. Programs based on nested loops [ rectangular, triangular [right angled triangle only] patterns], series involving single variable. (Nested while and nested do while are not included.) |
10. Computing and Ethics |
Ethical Issues in Computing. Intellectual property rights; protection of individual’s right to privacy; data protection on the internet; protection against Spam; software piracy, cybercrime, hacking, protection against malicious intent and malicious code. The stress should be on good etiquette and ethical practices. |
This segment of the syllabus is totally practical-oriented. The accent is on acquiring basic programming skills quickly and efficiently. Programming Assignments (Class IX) Students are expected to do a minimum of 20 assignments during the whole year to reinforce the concepts studied in the class. |
Download the Complete ICSE Computer Applications 2023-24 Syllabus from here |