Class 9 2023-24 Economic Applications syllabus ICSE: The educational boards always remain updated with their curriculum as this is the main thing which lays the road on which the complete syllabus of the whole academic year progresses. For the 2023-24 academic year, CISCE has already released the syllabus. ICSE Class 9 students can find their Economic Applications syllabus here in this article. Economic Applications is one of the electives in the list of subjects suggested for ICSE Class 9 students. You can download the free syllabus pdf as well provided in this article.
ICSE Class 9 Economic Applications Aims:
1. To familiarize students with the basic concepts of economics and economic phenomenon.
2. To develop their analytical skills.
3. To provide students with hands-on experience in analyzing economic problems that they normally come across.
ICSE Class 9 Economic Applications Syllabus Key Pointers
1. There will be one theory paper of two hours duration of 100 marks and an Internal Assessment of 100 marks.
2. The paper will consist of Part I and Part II.
3. Part I (compulsory) will contain short answer questions on the entire syllabus.
4. Part II will consist of questions that will require detailed answers. There will be a choice of questions.
ICSE Class 9 Economic Applications Syllabus 2023-24
THEORY – 100 Marks
1. Basic Concepts of Economics |
(i) Meaning and definition of Economics; Economic entities: Consumer, Producer, Households and Government. The importance of these economic entities. The meaning of an economy and the role of the economic entities. A basic understanding of the concepts of economics. The definitions of economics with reference to the allocation of resources and scarcity of resources (Robbins, Samuelson). Basic explanation of the role of consumer, producer, government and households in an economy. (ii) Three major problems of an economy: What to produce? How to produce? For whom to produce? Efficient use of resources; basic understanding of the terms: economic growth and economic development A brief introduction to the basic problems of an economy - What to produce? How to produce? For whom to produce? Needs to be emphasized irrespective of the type of an economy. Manner in which economics as a subject helps us to allocate scarce resources in an efficient way needs to be explained. The concept of economic growth and economic development should be explained. (iii) The nature and the classification of an economy: developed, underdeveloped and developing economy; Capitalistic, Socialistic, Mixed economies- main features. A basic understanding of the features of capitalistic, socialistic and mixed economies is required. Meaning and classification of economies into developing and developed should be explained. |
2. An Overview of Indian Economy |
The nature of Indian economy: the main sectors of Indian economy - Agriculture, Industry and Services. Role of these sectors in Indian economy and their interrelationship. The sectors according to ownership- private and public; the sectors according to type of economy- rural and urban. Role of agriculture in India and its problems. Impact of Agricultural Practices on the Ecosystem. Construction of dams- loss of habitat species. Loss of top soil and desertification. Indiscriminate use of fertilizers and pesticides. Measures to check the ecosystem; Governmental initiatives: not building large dams for generating hydroelectric power which leads to less land being submerged and less displacement of people. Alternative cropping for checking loss of topsoil and desertification. Plantation and conservation of grasslands to check soil erosion. Use of manure, bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides green manuring, compost. These are eco-friendly alternatives to pesticides and fertilizers. Role of Industries in the Indian Economy. Impact of industrial practices on the ecosystem. Mining, industries, energy generation, automobiles, urbanisation leading to defacement of land, deforestation, deterioration of hydrological resources. Industrial waste: mining operations, cement factories, oil refineries, construction unit. Spoilage of landscape, pollution, health hazards, effect on terrestrial, aquatic (fresh water and marine) life. Measures to check the ecosystem. Improving efficiency of existing technologies and introducing new eco-friendly technologies. Methods of safe disposal of waste - segregation, dumping, composting, drainage, treatment of effluents before discharge. Abatement of pollution. Air: setting standards and implementing them, using technical devices to reduce pollution. Importance of Service Sector – National Income, Employment and Regional Development (in brief, no statistical data required). Interdependence of all three sectors (Primary, Secondary and Tertiary). Meaning of Private and Public sector with examples. Meaning of Rural and Urban sector with examples. |
3. Infrastructure of the Indian Economy |
Economic and social infrastructure of Indian economy. Social infrastructure- education, health, family welfare and housing. A basic understanding of the economic and social infrastructure and its role in India’s economic development. The problems pertaining to lack of such infrastructure and their adverse impact on the economy to be discussed. |
4. Consumer Awareness |
Ways in which consumer is exploited. Reasons for exploitation of consumers; Growth of consumer awareness; consumer behaviour in the market; consumer rights. Legal measures available to protect consumers from being exploited – (COPRA, RTI). Understanding the importance of educating consumers of their rights - awareness of food adulteration and its harmful effects. |
5. Globalization |
Meaning and factors enabling Globalization, WTO, impact of Globalization. Meaning of globalization. Factors enabling globalization – technology and liberalization (removal of trade barriers). WTO (main objectives), favourable impacts of the globalization – starting of MNC’s and benefits to Indian companies. NOTE: It is suggested that case studies may be discussed on the following topics:
Candidates will be required to do a minimum of four assignments during the year, as assigned by the teacher |
Economic Applications Internal Assessment: Proposed Guidelines For Marking With Grades
Criteria | Preparation | Procedure | Observation | Inference | Presentation | Marks |
Grade I | Excellent choice of firm, appropriate to project; clear identification of aspect to study; good research. | Originality and relevance; creative, rational and structured thinking; effective model; good questionnaire. | Systematic record of data; good arrangement of data; independent market survey; creative representation. | Information fitted correctly to model; work indicates understanding, good comprehension of subject. | Methodical, precise and clear expression; neat and tidy presentation; optimum utilisation of skills | 4 marks for each criterion |
Grade II | Relevant choice of firm; identified aspect to study; adequate research. | Originality and structured thinking; adequate framing of questions; good insight. | Able to record data, but not step-by-step; able to grasp information; independent market survey. | Can judge and grasp information correctly; conclusion quantitatively evaluated. | Work neat and tidy and clearly presented; methodical and appropriate techniques used. | 3 marks for each criterion |
Grade III | Adequate choice of firm; some idea of what to study; some information gathered. | Records information correctly but lacks originality; independent framing of questions. | Assistance required in presenting, recording and arranging data; can conduct market survey | Requires some assistance to relate data to model; able to relate to economic scenario. | Reasonably clear but work disorganised in places; writing untidy in places | 2 marks for each criterion |
Grade IV | Firm selected but continuous assistance required for collection of information. | Unable to form a correct model; requires assistance to prepare questionnaire. | Tends to make mistakes in organising data; some ability to conduct market survey. | Assistance required in order to grasp the relevant and validity of information; tends to make errors. | Sequence of work acceptable but not very neat; poor presentation. | 1 mark for each criterion |
Grade V | Lack of perception of the subject and objective; lack of effort. | Not able to comprehend concept of a model; unable to prepare questionnaire even with assistance. | Faulty survey and mistakes in data; not able to proceed even with assistance. | Cannot process results; faulty conclusions in spite of assistance provided. | Data presentation untidy and disorganised; effort and initiative lacking. | 0 marks for each criterion |
The CISCE board has suggested 9 topics for the assignment that students have to submit to get good grades in internal assessment. To check the complete list of suggested assignments click on the link below and download the PDF.
Download ICSE Class 9 Economic Applications Syllabus 2023-24 PDF |
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