Class 9 2023-24 Mass Media & Communication syllabus ICSE: Mass media is an essential element of democracy as it allows the free flow of information and knowledge to the masses by means of various communication networks like television, radio and newspapers. Mass Media and Communication is one of the electives CISCE has included in their curriculum list. Students who are willing to opt for this subject can pick it from the group III electives with subject code 90. The syllabus of Mass Media & Communication for ICSE Class 9 is not very advanced and includes topics like communication and various types of media. Read this story to know ICSE Class 9 Mass Media & Communication complete 2023-24 syllabus.
ICSE Mass Media & Communication syllabus Aims:
These aims are directly in the language as mentioned by CISCE for better and adulteration-free transfer of information.
1. To develop an understanding about the evolution of Mass Media and Communication.
2. To introduce the concepts, processes, terms and trends related to the field of Mass Media and Communication.
3. To provide exposure to various and diverse forms of Mass Media and Communication.
4. To create an awareness about the ethical practices to be followed while using Social Media.
5. To enhance the development of skills related to the use of various types of Media.
ICSE Mass Media & Communication Key Highlights
1. There will be one written paper of two hours duration carrying 100 marks and an Internal Assessment of 100 marks.
2. The paper will consist of two Sections, A and B.
3. Section A (Compulsory) will consist of compulsory short answer questions covering the entire syllabus.
4. Section B will consist of questions which will require detailed answers. There will be a choice of questions
ICSE Class 9 Mass Media & Communication syllabus 2023-24
THEORY – 100 Mark
1. Communication |
(i) Understanding Communication General definition of Communication. Definition given by Keith Davis, John Adair and Louis Allen. (ii) Evolution of Human Communication A brief understanding of the following with examples: Petroglyphs, Pictograms, Ideograms, Writing, Audio-visual, Digital, Internet based communication systems. (iii) Elements of Communication A brief understanding of the following with examples: Sender, Message, Medium, Receiver, Feedback. (iv) Process of Communication A brief understanding of Encoding and Decoding. (v) Functions of Communication A brief understanding of how Communication helps to Inform, Educate, Entertain and Integrate. (vi) Forms of Communication A brief understanding of Verbal (Oral and Written) and Non – Verbal, Formal and Informal communication with examples. |
2. Mass Media |
(i) Definition of Mass Media (ii) Timeline A brief understanding of the evolution of mass media from the invention of the Printing Press to Newspapers, Gramophones, Cinema, Radio, Camera (pin hole to digital), Television, Internet and New Media. (iii) Types of Mass Media A brief understanding of the features and functions of: print media, radio, television, cinema, internet. |
3. Print Media |
(i) A brief history A brief history of print media: stone carving, Chinese wood blocks, Johannes Gutenberg and first newspaper. (ii) Types of Print Media A brief understanding of the features and functions of: Newspapers, Magazines, Books, Journals, Leaflets, Brochures, Flyers &Posters. (iii) Types of Newspapers Types of newspapers based on: (a) Frequency: Dailies, Weeklies, Annuals, Divided – Annuals. (b) Geographical Distribution: Local, Regional, National and International. (c) Versions: Print, Online, e-paper. (d) Size: Broadsheet, Berliner, Tabloid. Meaning, differences and examples of each of the above. |
4. Radio as a Medium |
(i) History of Radio A brief understanding of the milestones in Radio Broadcasting: Discovery of radio waves, Heinrich Hertz, electromagnetic plates, Jagdish Chandra Bose, Marconi Company, Ferdinand Braun, during the World Wars. Radio Broadcasting in India – AIR. Establishment, World War II, post independence, private radio. (ii) Characteristics of Radio A brief understanding of the characteristics of radio such as: audio medium, wireless medium, inexpensive, simple to use, wide reach, mobility, and live medium. (iii) Radio Broadcasting Radio Equipment: Transmitter and receiver; Radio frequency: AM (Amplitude Modulation) & FM (Frequency Modulation); Satellite Radio: definition and impact. (iv) Types of Radio Broadcasting A brief understanding of Public, Private and Community radio broadcasting. (v) Online and Amateur Radio (HAM Radio). Definition and impact. |
5. Introduction to Advertising |
(i) Definition (ii) Functions of Advertising Building brand image; creating consumer awareness and demand; increase in sales; promotion of competition in the market; maximising of profits: a brief understanding of each. (iii)Models of Advertising A basic understanding of: AIDA (Attention Interest Desire and Action) and DAGMAR (Defining Advertising Goals for Measured Advertising Results). (iv) Principles of Advertising A brief understanding of creativity, research, consistency, Duration and Frequency of Campaign, Simplicity, Ethical, Unique Selling Point. |
6. Internet |
(i) A brief history of the Internet. Timeline: Information theory, WAN, Packet switching, ARPANET, Merit Network, CYCLADES, TCP/IP, World Wide Web (brief understanding only). (ii) Internet, Intranet and world wide web (www). Meaning and distinction. (iii) Internet utilities A brief understanding, with examples, of the following: Web Browsing, Electronic Mail, Online Broadcasting, Social networking, Gaming, Blogging, File Transfer protocols (FTP), Online banking, E-commerce, Video conferencing and Digital marketing. |
Candidates will be required to do a minimum of four assignments during the year, as assigned by the teacher. |
Want to know the CISCE suggested list of assignments? The link for the same is given below. Read and download the complete syllabus pdf from the link.
Download ICSE Class 9 Mass Media & Communication syllabus 2023-24 PDF |
Mass Media & Communication is one of the electives mentioned in the group III list of CISCE for classes 9 and 10. If you want to check the syllabus of your core and other electives then refer to the related topics below:
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