CAT mock test helps candidates in experiencing the atmosphere of the actual exam to the candidates. IIM Ahmedabad has released the mock test facility at Know how to take CAT mock test and other details here
Step 3 - They further can log in to the CAT mock test dashboard using their registration number and password. A dummy registration number and fake password are already embedded. Candidates can proceed directly by clicking on the ‘Login’ button.
Step 4 - A General Instructions page will be displayed on the screen indicating how the candidates should answer the questions.
Step 5 - After clicking on "I am ready to begin", a new page will open that contains section-wise questions.
Step 6 - Candidates should click on the "Save and Next" tab as soon as they answer the question.
CAT Mock Test 2021 Important Features
On-screen calculator: With the help of on-screen calculations, candidates can do the calculations as they are not allowed to take any electronic gadgets to the CAT test centre.
On-Screen Timer: The timer provided on the right side of the screen in the CAT 2021 mock test indicates the time remaining to complete the test.
Coloured Question Palette: The question palette provided on the right-hand side of the screen of the CAT mock test indicates the statuses of each question -
Orange stands for the question that has been visited, but not answered
Grey indicates that the question has not been visited yet
Green indicates that the question has been answered and will be considered for evaluation
Purple states that the question has been marked for review and has not been answered while the purple button with an icon indicates that the question has been answered and marked for review and will be considered for evaluation
CAT Mock Test 2021 Guidelines
How to answer a question in CAT 2021 Mock Test?
To answer a question in the official CAT mock test free, candidates, are required to click on the question number in the question palette. To answer the MCQ type question, they have to click on the correct answer. To submit the answer, they have to click on ‘Save & Next’. To save the answer for the current question and also to mark it for review, they need to click on ‘Mark for Review & Next’. If any candidate does not choose any of these options, the answer to the current question will not be saved.
How to Change Your Response on CAT Mock Test 2021?
In case a candidate needs to change the response of the question, they need to de-select the already chosen answer and click on the ‘Clear Response’ button on the palette. Select another answer bubble and make sure to save the changed answer by clicking on Save & Next’ or ‘Mark for Review & Next’ button.
How To Navigate between the three sections of the CAT Mock Test 2021?
To familiarize the candidates with how to navigate different sections on the day of the exam, they need to take the CAT online mock test series. It has been designed in a similar pattern as the main test in which the candidates have to answer the questions of the three sections VARC, DILR, and QA. The section deadline should be kept in mind when appearing for CAT 2021.
They must keep in mind that they can answer questions in another section once they have completed the one they are solving. To answer each question on CAT mock test free and exam day, they must do so within 40 minutes (for each section). Also, navigation randomly between three sections is not allowed.
CAT Mock Test 2021 for PwD Category
A separate CAT 2021 mock test series has been released for PwD candidates. The duration of the CAT mock test for PwD candidates is 53 minutes and 20 seconds, which means that each section will be given an additional 13 minutes and 20 seconds to answer the questions.
UseCAT Percentile Predictor 2021 to know your estimated CAT cut offs and predict calls from IIMs and Non-IIMs accepting CAT score for admission.