CBSE Class 11 Biology NCERT Solutions: Chapter 5, Morphology of Flowering Plants

Here we bring the detailed and appropriate NCERT solutions for class 11 Biology chapter- Morphology of Flowering Plants. These solutions will help you easily learn the terms and theories explained in the chapter.

Gurmeet Kaur
Aug 6, 2018, 17:11 IST
Morphology of Flowering Plants: NCERT Solutions
Morphology of Flowering Plants: NCERT Solutions

One of the hardest parts of studying biology is remembering numerous different and difficult terms. In order to understand what you are studying, you need to familiarize yourself with all these terms. In the NCERT Books are best known for explaining each and every term in the easiest way with the help of mind maps and drawings Also, these books offer a number of questions to help students practice the different terms and theories. This helps them to stick the different terms and definitions to their brain.  

While working on the questions given in the NCERT book, it might happen that a student gets stuck at some particular questions and find it difficult to get the right answers. To help students retrieve the right solutions for all the questions given in CBSE Class 11 Biology NCERT book we have collated detailed and accurate answers here at Explained by subject matter experts, all these solutions will help students learn the right technique to write perfect answers in the annual exams to get high scores.

In this article we are providing the NCERT solutions for Class 11 Biology chapter 5, Morphology of Flowering Plants.  All the questions have been solved in the most appropriate and simple way so as to help students access the right study material for the exam preparation.

All the class 11 Biology NCERT solutions are available in PDF format which students may easily download free of cost. 

CBSE Class 11 Biology Syllabus 2018 - 2019

Some of the questions and their solutions from NCERT Solutions for Class 11: Morphology of Flowering Plants, are as follows:

Q. What is meant by modification of root? What type of modification of root is found in the

(a) Banyan tree (b) Turnip (c) Mangrove trees

Ans. In some plants the roots change their shape and structure and become modified to serve some functions other than absorption and conduction of water and minerals. Modified roots act as storage sites for food. Some provide support to massive plants, while others help in respiration. Function of modified roots in various plants:

(a) Banyan tree: The banyan tree has hanging roots arising from its branches which are known as prop roots. These roots go into the soil and provide additional support to the tree.

(b) Turnip: The roots of turnip are modified to store food.

(c) Mangrove tree: The roots of mangrove tree grow vertically upwards for the absorption of oxygen from the atmosphere. These roots are called pneumatophores.

Q. Justify the following statements on the basis of external features

(i) Underground parts of a plant are not always roots

(ii) Flower is a modified shoot

Ans. (i) In some plants some of their parts are modified into underground structures to perform some special functions such as storage of food. For example, ginger has an underground stem which is swollen due to storage of food. This type of stem is called rhizome. Similarly, corm is an underground stem in Colocasia and Zamin-khand. The underground stem in potato becomes swollen due to the storage of food and forms tuber. Basal leaves in onions become fleshy due to the accumulation of food.

Q. Define the following terms:

(a) Aestivation

(b) Placentation

(c) Actinomorphic

(d) Zygomorphic

(e) Superior ovary

(f) Perigynous flower

(g) Epipetalous Stamen


(a) Aestivation: The term ‘aestivation’ refers to the mode of arrangement of sepals or petals in a floral bud with respect to other floral members. There are four types of aestivation in plants- twisted, valvate, imbricate, and vexillary.

(b) Placentation: The term ‘placentation’ refers to the arrangement of ovules within the ovary of a flower. There are five main types of placentation - marginal, basal, parietal, axile and free central.

(c) Actinomorphic: A flower that can be divided into two equal radial halves by any radial plane passing through its centre, it is said to be actinomorphic. For example: chilly and mustard.

(d) Zygomorphic: A flower that can be divided into two equal radial halves by a single vertical plane, it is said t be Zygomorphic. For example: pea and beans.

(e) Superior ovary: In the hypogynous flower, the gynoecium occupies the highest position, while other floral parts are arranged below it. The ovary in such flowers is said to be superior.For examples: Brinjal and mustard.

(f) Perigynous flower: A flower, in which the gynoecium is present in the centre and the rest of the floral parts are located on the rim of the thalamus at the same level, is called perigynous flower. For example: plum and rose.

(g) Epipetalous Stamen: When the stamens are attached to the petals, they are known as epipetalous Stamen. For example: Brinjal.

Get the complete the NCERT solutions for Class 11: Morphology of Flowering Plants, from the following link:

Students may download the NCERT solutions for Class 11 Biology chapter- Morphology of Flowering Plants, in the form of PDF. 


Class 11 Biology NCERT Chapter: Morphology of Flowering Plants

In case, you are not clear with any particular topic or concept while solving the NCERT questions give in chapter- Morphology of Flowering Plants, just take a thorough reading of the chapter given in NCERT book. NCERT books are considered to be the best source to get a clear understanding of the concepts explained in a subject. It is better suggested that before you start solving the NCERT questions, get acquainted with the various topics and concepts explained in that chapter. Here, we are providing the CBSE Class 11 Biology NCERT chapter- Morphology of Flowering Plants. Students should read this chapter to grasp all the concepts as this will help you understand the problem discussed in a question and then come with an appropriate answer.

Main topics discussed in Class 11 Biology chapter: Morphology of Flowering Plants are:

  • Root
  • Modifications of root
  • Stem
  • Modifications of stem
  • Leaf


                    Types of leaves


                    Modifications of leaves

  • Inflorescence
  • Flower
  • Parts of a flower
  • Fruit
  • Seed
  • Structure of a dicotyledonous seed
  • Structure of monocotyledonous seed
  • Semi-technical description of a typical flowering plant
  • Description of some important families




 Find below the link to download the complete Chapter:

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