Mankind is full of surprises. It can even make an insect costlier than many expensive metals, even more expensive than some of the most luxurious cars. One such example is an insect, Stag Beetle. It is among the most costly insects on the planet.
Several media reports claim that the stag beetle is currently one of the most expensive insects in the world. A single bug might cost an individual as much as ₹75 lakh.
What Makes Stag Beetle So Expensive?
The principal cause of this insect's high cost is its uncommon occurrence and traditional belief of it being a lucky charm. Some people believe that possession of a stag beetle at home can lead to the accumulation of unexpected wealth.
In the Scientific Data journal, a recent study states that these insects represent a "significant saproxylic assemblage in forest ecosystems and are noted for their enlarged mandibles and male polymorphism."
What Makes Stag Beetle Unique?
A distinguishing feature of stag beetles is their unusual look. The mandibles of the insect are big. As per an article published in the Economic Times, the male stag beetle's mandibles are said to resemble a stag's antlers. During their breeding season, stag beetles use their mandibles to their advantage when they compete for mating opportunities.
Does Stag Beetle have Medicinal Use?
Another reason for the increased value of stag beetles is their importance in medicine. According to ET, stag beetles are used in medicine.
Besides their medical use and distinctive appearance, these insects are vital for keeping the environment in balance. They help break down organic matter, which is essential for nutrients in forests and overall forest health.
What is the Lifespan of Stag Beetle?
The Natural History Museum in London states that these insects usually weigh between 2 and 6 grams and have an average lifespan of 3 to 7 years. Males range in length from 35 to 75 mm, and females are between 30 and 50 mm. The jaws of female stag beetles are smaller. Researchers frequently mix up the female stag beetle with different species.
The Natural History Museum states that the larva of the insect spends the great bulk of its time beneath building tunnels.
Where Do These Stag Beetles Live?
Stag beetles prefer warm, tropical climates and are not tolerant of cold temperatures. They typically live in forests but can also be found in hedges, old orchards, and urban places such as parks and gardens, especially where there is plenty of dead wood.
Why are Stag Beetles So Rare?
The primary cause of the species' decline is the removal of its primary habitat: dead wood, from forests, parks, and gardens. The conversion of broad-leaved woodland into agricultural land, forestry plantations, and urban areas has also contributed in endangering this species.
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