Donald Trump recently made a life-changing announcement for international students. Trump is popular for his unpredictable policies, and this time, it would be a big surprise for the students. The former president has proposed granting Green Cards to foreign graduates. The announcement has gained incredible attention from foreign students.
At present, there are many international students who face great uncertainty relating to their ability to remain in the United States post finishing their studies.
However, a guaranteed Green Card would cancel out this problem and will pave the way for permanent residency. This would perhaps increase the number of international students applying to the universities of the United States.
Over the years, several attempts and commitments have been made by the US administrations to ease immigration restrictions. However, these have often led to mixed results.
One such effort was with the Obama administration when it brought forward the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. This offered temporary relief to the youth. However, several legal challenges followed up.
At the time of his 2016 campaign, Trump committed to cease the H-1B visa program. The claim was that it was actually being abused by the firms to hire foreign labor at cheap prices at the expense of the American workers. The H-1B program has received a tough stance, but it still has not changed, underlining the complexities surrounding immigration reform.
What reaction did the announcement receive?
The announcement received mixed reactions from the youth. Many of these students are excited and optimistic, however, they are still cautious. The reason behind this hesitation and caution are that there have been several promises like these made in the past, but they have failed time and again.
What would happen if such a measure is implemented?
In case a measure like this is implemented, it could make the United States an attractive destination for international students. The international youth significantly contributes to the economy of the United States through living expenses and tuition fees.
Additionally, if implemented, the policy would make another important impact. A policy like this would pressure other countries such as the UK, Australia, and Canada to provide similar relief and incentives to the students. Countries like these compete with the United States for international students.
It is important to note that while the promise of a green card seems lucrative, the hurdle of getting a student visa in the United States still remains intact. This raises questions about the feasibility of the proposal by Trump.