Rajasthan Board Class 11 Geography Syllabus for 2024 Exam: The Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education is the state board of Rajasthan that delivers quality education to the students of the state. The schools affiliated with RBSE follow its curriculum. Now the RBSE has released its update for Classes 9 to 12 on its website in class-wise PDFs. Students can download the syllabus for free. The syllabus files provided by the Rajasthan Board are huge, as they have combined the syllabus of all the subjects into a single PDF. Finding the syllabus for your subject might be difficult. To get the segregated subject-wise 2023–24 RBSE syllabus PDFs, visit RBSE Class 11th Syllabus 2023–24: Download the New Syllabus PDF, Subject-Wise List.
Here you will find the newly released syllabus for Rajasthan Board Class 11 Geography. It is one of the core subjects of the Arts stream. Students can check the unit-wise mark distribution below, along with detailed topics. The practical syllabus and its mark distribution are also given below. Read and download the free PDF.
राजस्थान बोर्ड 11th Geography Course Structure 2024
Theory: 70 Marks (35+35)
Practical: 30 Marks
Theory Paper Duration: 3:15 Hours
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Unit No. | Unit Name | Marks Allocated |
Section A | Basic Principles of Physical Geography | |
1 | Geography as a Discipline | 03 |
2 | The Earth | 04 |
3 | Landforms | 08 |
4 | Climate | 08 |
5 | Water (Ocean) | 04 |
6 | Life on the Earth | 03 |
7 | Map Work | 05 |
Section B | Physical Environment | |
1 | Introduction | 02 |
2 | Physiography | 12 |
3 | Climate and Vegetation | 11 |
4 | Natural Hazards and Disasters: Cuases, Conse and Management | 05 |
5 | Map Work | 05 |
Total | 70 |
RBSE Class 11th Geography Syllabus 2023-24
Section A: Basic Principles of Physical Geography |
1.भूगोल एक विषय के रूप में Geography as a Discipline 2. पृथ्वी The Earth (2). पृथ्वी की उत्पत्ति एवं विकास । Origin and Evolution of the Earth. (3). पृथ्वी की आन्तरिक संरचना । Interior of the Earth. (4). महासागरों एवं महाद्वीपों का वितरण ।। Distribution of the Oceans & Continents. 3. भू-आकृतियाँ Landforms (5) भू-आकृतिक प्रक्रियाएँ। Geomorphic Processes. (6) भू-आकृतिया तथा उनका विकास। Landforms and Their Evolution. 4. जलवायु Climate (7) वायुमण्डल का संघटन एवं संरचना Composition and Structure of Atmosphere. (8)सौर विकिरण ऊष्मा सन्तुलन तापमान । Solar Radiation, Heat Balance, Tempereature. (9) वायुमण्डलीय परिसंचरण तथा मौसम प्रणालिया । Atmospheric Circulation and Weather System. (10) वायुमण्डल में जल Water in the Atmosphere. (11)विश्व की जलवायु एवं जलवायु परिवर्तन | Word Climate and Climatic Change. 5. जल ( महासागर) Water (Ocean) (12) महासागरीय जल । Oceanic Water. (13) महासागरीय जल संचलन Movements of Ocean Water. 6. पृथ्वी पर जीवन Life on the Earth (14) जैव विविधता एवं संरक्षण । Biodiversity and Conservation. 7.मानचित्रण कार्य Map Work विश्व के मानचित्र में ऊपर खण्ड (अ) में दिये गये पाठ्यवस्तु पर आधारित मानचित्रण कार्य। Map work based on the above subject matter on the outline map of the word. |
Section B: Physical Environment |
1. प्रस्तावना Introduction (1) भारत स्थिति । India-Location. 2. भू-आकृति विज्ञान Physiography (2) संरचना तथा भू आकृति विज्ञान । Structure and Physiography. (3) अपवाह तन्त्र Drainge System. 3. जलवायु एवं वनस्पति Climate and Vegetation (4) जलवायु । Climate. (5) प्राकृतिक वनस्पति । Natural Vegetation. 4. प्राकृतिक संकट तथा आपदाएँ: कारण, परिणाम तथा प्रबंध Natural Hazards and Disasters: Causes, Conse and Management (6) प्राकृतिक संकट तथा आपदाएँ Natural Hazards and disasters. 5. मानचित्रण कार्य Map work भारत के मानचित्र में ऊपर खण्ड (ब) में दिये गये पाठ्यवस्तु पर आधारित मानचित्र कार्य । Map work based on the subject matter of Part (B) above on the outline political map of India. |
Practical Work Syllabus |
1. मानचित्रों का परिचय (2+1=3 Marks) Introduction of Map 2. मानचित्र, मापनी (4 Marks) Map, Scale. 3. अक्षांश, देशान्तर एवं समय । (4 Marks) Latitude, Longitude and Time. 4. मानचित्र प्रक्षेप | (4 Marks) Map Projection. 5. स्थलाकृतिक मानचित्र । (2+1=3 Marks) Topographic Maps. 6. सुदूर संवेदन का परिचय । (1+1=2 Marks) Introduction to Remote Sensing, 7.प्रायोगिक अभिलेख एवं मौखिक परीक्षा 10 (8+2) Marks Practical Record and Viva Voice |
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