The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) conducts the RBI Grade B Officer Exam annually for Grade B Officers in various branches of RBI spread across the country. The RBI Grade B officer is the most reputed bank exam that is conducted to fill out the vacancies. The candidates are selected through three stages of exam. The detailed notification for the RBI Grade B exam 2024 is going to be published on 18th July. Gather more updates on RBI Grade B 2024 exam in this post.
RBI Grade B Vacancy 2023 (Previous Year)
Officers in Grade ‘B’ (DR)–(General)
Officers in Grade ‘B’ (DR)–DEPR
06 (04)
Officers in Grade ‘B’ (DR)–DSIM
08 (05)
05 (05)
Total Vacancies
RBI Grade B Notification 2024
The Reserve Bank of India will release the RBI Grade B notification PDF on its website. Candidates will be appointed to the post of RBI Grade B Officers through written exam through Phase 1 and Phase 2. Lastly, an interview shall also be conducted for the purpose of selection of candidates. You can download the RBI Grade B 2024 notification to know about the important aspects of the examination. Given below is the previous year's RBI Grade B notificaiton PDF for your reference.
Interested and eligible candidates can fill the RBI Grade B application form from the official website of RBI. The application form must be filled in properly with the candidate’s personal details, communication address, educational qualification, uploading of documents, payment of application fee, etc. Here are the steps to fill out the RBI Grade B application form 2024.
Visit the official website of RBI and click on the RBI Grade B 2024 Apply Online link that appears on the page.
Register for the exam by entering your details.
Upload the scanned documents such as your photograph, signature, etc.
Preview the application form before proceeding to pay the application fee.
Pay the application fees as per your category.
Submit the application form and make sure that you take a print out of the application form of RBI Grade B exam.
RBI Grade B Application Fees
It is mandatory to pay the RBI Grade B application fee as per your category. The application fee for the same has been mentioned in the following table below. The category-wise RBI Grade B application fees is given below.
Category of candidate
Application Fee for RBI Grade B exam
Rs. 850
Rs. 100
RBI staff
RBI Grade B Eligibility Criteria
The candidates must ensure that they fulfil the RBI Grade B eligibility criteria that include the fulfilment of age limit, educational qualification, number of attempts and nationality. We have mentioned the RBI Grade B eligibility below.
Nationality for RBI Grade B Exam
Any Indian citizen can fill the RBI Grade B application form. Candidates who are subject of Nepal/Bhutan/Tibetan refugees and have permanently settled in India are also eligible to fill the RBI Grade B application form.
RBI Grade B Age Limit
Th age limit to fill the RBI Grade B application form is 21 years to 30 years. The candidates who have done MPhil and Ph.D. have an upper age limit of 32 and 34 years respectively. Candidates who belong to the reserved category have an age relaxation.
RBI Grade B Educational Qualification
The educational qualification for RBI Grade B exam are as follows:
Educational Qualification
Officers in Grade 'B' (DR)-(General)
Graduation in any discipline /Equivalent technical or professional qualification
with a minimum of 60% (50 per cent for SC/ST/PwBD applicants).
Graduation with at least 60%
Postgraduation with at least 55%
Officers in Grade 'B' (DR) DEPR/DSIM
Master's Degree in any discipline with at least 55%
Number of Attempts for RBI Grade B exam
RBI has capped on the number of attempts for RBI Grade B exam for the General category of candidates The RBI Grade B number of attempts are mentioned in the table below.
The selection process for RBI Grade B 2024 exam is done in three phases. Phase 1 is the Preims exam while Phase 2 is the Mains exam. Candidates who will qualify the Phase 2 of RBI Grade B exam will be called to appear for the interview. Given below is the RBI grade B selection criteria.
Stage 1: Phase 1 exam, Objective Test
Stage 2: Phase 2 exam, Objective and Descriptive Test
Stage 3: Interview
RBI Grade B 2024 Exam Pattern
Now that you are aware of the RBI Grade B exam pattern, let us give you details about the RBI Grade B exam pattern. Given below is the exam pattern for Prelims and Mains exam.
RBI Grade B Prelims Exam Pattern
The RBI Grade B prelims exam is a single paper for 200 marks that has to be completed in 2 Hours. There is no sectional timing for the exam.
The RBI Grade B prelims exam consists of four sections, that are General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, English Language ad Reasoning.
There shall be 200 questions for a total of 200 marks.
Candidates have to secure the RBI Grade B cut off marks in each subject as well as in aggregate.
The following table depicts the RBI Grade B prelims exam pattern.
No. of Questions
Maximum Marks
General Awareness
Composite time of 2 hours
Quantitative Aptitude
English Language
RBI Grade B Mains Exam Pattern
The RBI Grade B Mains exam consists of three papers that are Economics ad Social Issues, English and Finance and Management. The Mains exam shall have both objective and descriptive papers. The exam pattern for RBI Grade B exam is as follows:
S No
Sections / Subjects
Paper Type
Maximum Marks
Duration (minutes)
Paper I: Economics and Social Issues
50% Objective Type, 50% Descriptive (to be typed with the help of the keyboard)
50 50
30 90
120 minutes
Paper II: English (Writing Skills)
Descriptive (3 questions)
90 minutes
Paper III: Finance and Management
50% Objective Type and 50% Descriptive
50 50
120 minutes
RBI Grade B Admit Card 2024
The RBI Grade B admit card 2024 will be released for the RBI Grade B 2024 Phase 1 General Post few days before the exam date. It is mandatory for all the candidates to login using their RBI Grade B 2024 login details to download the call letter to be able to appear for the exam.