Uttarakhand Board Class 10 Home Science Syllabus: The UK Board is the state education board of Uttarakhand. This educational board provides education in Hindi and English to keep students attached to their roots and get them ready for global competition. Students in Uttarakhand Class 10 will be promoted to Class 11 after a board examination. A board examination is when all the responsibilities of conducting examinations and evaluations are in the hands of the educational board. The role of schools is minimal in board examinations. Thus, it becomes very important for students to prepare well, as they will get marks based on their answers to the questions. To prepare effectively, students must have a copy of the newly released revised UK Board Class 10 syllabus. Check the syllabus for Uttarakhand Board Class 10 for all subjects from the UK Board Class 10 Revised Syllabus 2023–24.
To get the detailed syllabus of Uttarakhand Board Class 10 Home Science syllabus 2023-24 Check out this article. Here you will find the unit-wise mark distribution along with topics covered under each unit. A free downloadable PDF of the newly released and revised UK Board Class 10 Home Science syllabus is attached to this article. Check it out and download the PDF.
Uttarakhand Board Class 10 Home Science Syllabus 2023-24
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UNIT I: Growth and development of children between birth to 3 years. Principles of growth and development of child; Important milestones in physical, motor, social, emotional and language development of children; physical, social and emotional needs of children. 10 Marks UNIT II: Role of books, music rhymes, games, radio, TV & Video, in the life of a child up to 3 years of age. 04 Marks UNIT III: Play: Meaning, need and types of play in children between birth & 3 yrs; Characteristics of playactive, passive, natural, serious and exploratory Play materials for children-Characteristics of play material. 05 Marks UNIT IV: Nutrients: Functions, sources and deficiency of Carbohydrates, proteins, Fats Minerals-Iron, Calcium and Iodine and Vitamins- Vitamin A, B, B2, Vitamin C and Vitamin D. Loss of nutrients during cooking, conservation and enhancement of nutrients. 05 Marks UNIT V: Meal Planning: Concept, need and factors affecting meal planning-age, sex, climate, occupation, physical needs, number of family members, economic status of family, availability of food, family traditions, likes and dislike and occasion; Food Groups (Basic : 5 suggested by ICMR); Use of food groups in planning balanced diet, food allowances suggested by ICMR. 06 Marks UNIT VI: Food hygiene & methods of storage of food : Rules of hygienic handling of food, Method of storage of perishable, semi-perishable and non-perishable foods. 05 Marks UNIT VII: Resources available to family: Types of resources-Human (Energy, time, knowledge and skill) Non-Human (money, material goods and community resources); general characteristics of resources, wise use of resources; personal & shared: 06 Marks UNIT VIII: Money Management: Family income and expenditure and importance of saving & Investment. 06 Marks UNIT IX: Consumer Education: Consumer rights and responsibilities, consumer problems, malpractices of traders-price variation, poor quality, adulteration, faulty weights and measures, nonavailability of goods, misleading information, lack of standardized products, misleading advertisement, aids to help consumers-standardization marks, labels, packages, advertisement, Pamphlets & Leaflets. 06 Marks UNIT X: Care of clothes: Cleaning and finishing agents used in the everyday care of clothes in the homes: stain removal (precautions and methods); laundering and storage of cotton, silk, wool and synthetics. 12 Marks UNIT XI: Quality check of apparel: Workmanship of ready made, tailor-made garment, reading of labels on clothes. |
S. No. | प्रयोगात्मक भाग हेतु मूल्यांकन बिन्दु | बुल अंक |
1 | 063 वर्ष तक के बच्चों के शारीरिक व क्रियात्मक लक्षणों के सम्बन्ध में प्रेक्षण 13 वर्ष तक के बच्चों ने खेलों के क्रिया कलाप, उनका खेलों से लगाव और खेल सामग्री का प्रेक्षण तथा बच्चों के लिए उपयुक्त खेल सामग्री का निर्माण हेतु एक प्रोजेक्ट का निर्माण । | 10 |
2 | पाक क्रिया च शिलाई के एक-एक प्रयोग (कुल दो प्रयोग)। | 10 |
3 | सत्रीय कार्य | 05 |
4 | सतत मूल्यांकन (इकाई परीक्षा) * | 05 |
Total | 30 |
सतत मूल्यांकन- इकाई परीक्षा* (CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT UNIT TEST)
कक्षा 10- सत्र में कुल 03 इकाई परीक्षायें (02 इकाई परीक्षायें अर्द्धवार्षिक परीक्षा से पूर्व तथा 01 अर्द्धवार्षिक परीक्षा के उपरान्त) तथा 01 प्री-बोर्ड परीक्षा होगी। अर्द्धवार्षिक परीक्षा के परीक्षाफल निर्माण हेतु प्रथम दो इकाई परीक्षाओं ( प्रथम व द्वितीय) में से अधिक प्राप्तांक वाली इकाई परीक्षा के अंक लिये जायेंगे तथा इन अंकों को 05 के भाराक में परिवर्तित किया जायेगा परिषदीय परीक्षा के आन्तरिक मूल्यांकन हेतु तीन इकाई परीक्षाओं में से सर्वाधिक प्राप्तांक वाली इकाई परीक्षा के अंक लेकर इन अंकों को 05 के भारांक में परिवर्तित किया जायेगा।
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